By Yer Fat Aunt Annie



This month's question is almost a statement. Yet it is surely one that needs clarification and comment. It was made to me, personally, at a recent party I attended, hosted by our esteemed Editors.

An individual said, "Many of the drags I've seen on stage seem to be imitating a famous female. They're almost travesty. Are all drags travesties of the female or of a particular person?"

Well....I don't think I came off as an imitation of any person to him. I think we talked long enough and in enough detail that he realized he was talking to a genuine person. And I think that's more often true than not.

However, they don't call those ersatz chicks up on stage "female impersonators" for no reason. In search of instant audience appeal and easy identification, even the greatest have patterned their acts after such as Judy Garland, etc.

Yet, the ones who have gone to the very top and stayed there--have taken the next logical step in show business and developed their own acts and personalities. People like Bambi and Cocinelle, for example, are genuine entertainers in their own right and with their own style. But what may be the main reason for so much "imitation" is simply the fact that many a beautiful drag has a voice like Foghorn Charlie and is either reduced to nothing but lip-synch with scratchy records or becoming a comedienne (and that's not all bad, there are too darned few of them around!)


By Jay Miller Associate Director ACLU's Washington Office

In late November Representatives Robert Kastenmeier (D-Wis.), Don Edwards (D-Calif.), and Abner Mikva (D-III.) introduced in the House of Representatives H.R. 10850, a codification, revision and reform of the federal criminal laws which all civil libertarians can wholeheartedly

That, then, may be the main difference. The ones on the stages are the most visible ones. And they often are impersonators. And, thus, seem to be travesty.

The drag on the bar stool next to you isn't an impersonator in the same sense. He/she is very likely allowing at least the edges of a total female personality to show through.

Like every other human, it's a personality composed of the

endorse. While the drafters of this bill used S. 1 as their basis, over 1,000 changes were made. A full analysis of the differences between S. 1 (its House equivalent H.R. 3907) and H.R. 10850 is being prepared by House staff.

While no Senator has been willing to introduce this bill, all members of the Senate will be receiving copies of H.R. 10850 in December, as well as copies of the printed analysis outlining the differences between the two bills. This will be especially

sum total of that individual's living experiences since birth. Totally unique, because only that one person has had all those experiences. Yet, very like many other people because we all have similar but not identical experiences.

But the personality that shows has another, very important influence. And its one I wish more queens were conscious of so they could get it out of their systems. The over-shrill voice.

The over-exaggerated, "swish ̈` mannerisms and postures. The "Super Queen syndrome. I think it is partially borne of a genuine desire to be feminine And partially borne of a combination of fear, stagefright and shyness Drags know they're different" and that the difference is extremely visible and obvious. It's very difficult to hide in the corner when you're six feet tall. are wearing a designer original (don't we all wish!). have on gallons of perfume and still have a prominent baritone voice Especially when you're the only one within miles, male or female. who's wearing a dress and pantyhose.

So, that inability to become invisible couples up with a drag's natural desire to be noticed anyway--and comes out as the Super Queen syndrome. Which looks like a travesty of the female norm of appearance. behavior and mannerisms.

The really skilled ones don't have it. They've learned to be at home, wherever they are.. because they're at home with themselves and who they are. So they just act like themselves. And the rest of the world can like it or lump it. Most often. interestingly enough, they like it. So-ladies--relax. Cool it Be yourselves. And you won't be a travesty. But you MAY be a lot more popular. Because people will like you for yourself. Instead of being upset over your seeming imitation of womenhood.

That, speaking from my own personal corner and from experiences with a good many queens around the country is what every queen really wants.

(Reprinted with kind permission from ACLU newsletter, CIVIL LIBERTIES)

important for members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, as they go into markup on S. 1 in early February.

It is our hope that the judiciary committee, having in its hand a criminal codification which also protects individual liberties, will greatly strengthen the demands for substantive amendments to S. 1 and/or force the Senate to send S. 1 back to the drawing board. At the very least the knowledge that the House will be considering H.R. 10850 will serve as a threat to

those in the Senate who support S. 1.


1. Write your Representative and order a copy of HR. 10850. suggesting that she/he consider this bill as clearly preferable to HR. 3907 or HR 333 and to consider cosponsoring.

2. Write members of the House Judiciary Committee (see below) and urge them to cosponsor H.R. 10850.

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3. Write your Senator and

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Page 21

To be herself. And if she seems to be a travesty. It's mostly because she's nervous. at ease and wants to be 'ked If the non-diag population will try a little harder to put queens a' their ease and if the queens vill try a little harder to be at ea' ? the result will be lewer imitations And. maybe. more understandings.

Helpful hints of the month. A friend who knows from medical experience tells me that women who have had a hysterectomy very often have low, masculine sounding voices. So, if you are forced to talk where you are afraid your voice will give you away: relax. talk gently and softly and as much through your nose and as little from you chest cavity as you can. And rest assured that there's some chick around who's for real and probably sounds more like a man than you do.

GOT A QUESTION? If it's about being a drag or about why drags are the way they are, drop me a line at the High Gear PO Box number (Box 6177) in care of Yer Fat Aunt Annie and I'll try to answer it or refer you to a better source.

AND HELP....if you are in business and are willing to either help clothe or do hair for drag queens, please let me know at the same address?

bring the bill to his attention urging him also to consider sponsoring the bill in the Senate

4 Bring the bill to the attention of your local media urging them to do an editorial and/or article in support of the bill

5. Get the information and a copy of H.R. 10850 to those who are speaking against S. 1 in your area.


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